According to Toby, everything in your life is an expression of the energy you carry. If you shift that energy, you will shift the situation. Have Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, create for you your own custom healing CD! As a new offering from, Toby has created “Shift It!”: a unique healing session intended to transform energy that is not in alignment with your intention and reconfigure it so you are able to eradicate negative situations and conditions in your life, allowing you to live the life that supports your health, well-being, happiness, and genius!

Shift It by Toby ChristensenThis is a session where Toby speaks with you either over the phone, iChat, or Skype. In this consultation, the two of you determine the shifts that you would like to have happen in your life. What is it that you want to create? And what is it that is keeping you from doing so?

After your consultation, Toby goes in to his recording studio, does a shamanic journey on your behalf to receive the rhythms, sounds, and music that will create the shift in your life. He then records this information for you and downloads it to a CD. You have your own custom healing session on CD!

Transform Your Life

Each time you listen to the CD, it’s like getting an individual healing session from Toby. It’s time for you to experience a better life, have more energy, a positive sense of well-being, and improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. You will also find that reoccurring disruptions in your life no longer exist and opportunities to create a more purpose filled life come your way. Let the sound of the drum tune your soul and transform your life!

Schedule your “Shift It!” today! This amazing session is only $350. Email Toby today to schedule your one-on-one meeting beginning December 6, 2011, giving you an opportunity to have your own healing CD for the holidays.

PS: These sessions also make wonderful Christmas gifts for those friends and family who need a “shift” in their lives!